Thursday, 8 October 2015

How to Lose Weight in 7 Days

Losing weight is the most crucial part of fitness plan. If you want to gain a well constructed body in quick time then use cutting steroids which are totally legal and safe. We are living in a smart age where our physical activities are very limited. Cars, tabs, laptops, mobile phone and so many other modern inventions are beneficial for our life but they also push us towards many health problems. Over weight problem is one the serious health issues nowadays that has been causing severe problems in our life. A person with overweight body is always exposed to diseases like heart attack, stroke, blood pressure and many other dangerous health problems. A fit person lives longer life as compared to fat people. Also a fit body can improve your personality. So you want to get rid of excessive body fat, let’s start our one week weight loss plan.

Improved metabolism is the first and most important part of fat burning or weight loss plan. You can’t lose proper fat without boosting your metabolism rate. Our body burns calories to make energy for the body functions through metabolism. People over 30 are easily exposed to weight gain problems because at this stage the metabolic rate become slowly naturally.

Day 1: Examine Your Metabolic Rate

Metabolism is just like car’s engine which we can make more efficient by applying certain techniques. The first thing is to find out metabolic rate of your body. You have to arm with number of calories that your body needs to gain weight. After that you can easily boost the metabolic rate to burn fat effectively.

Day 2: Reduce Your Caloric intake to 100/day

Calories are important for our body because they provide fuel to carry out various functions. But excessive calories are the reason of weight gain. The calories that are unused in fuel process are stored as fat by our body. The best thing is to control the caloric intake. You can’t burn excessive calories through exercise but you can do it by reducing the intake. Weight is possible in only way when you burn more calories than you take in your diet. So reduce the caloric intake to 100 per day in your diet routine.

Day 2: Protein

Include more protein in your diet. Protein built muscles and prevented fat storage. Proteins are composed of Omega-3 fatty acids which are effective for fat burning.

Day 4: Eat After Every 3 Hours

Eating in short time period also matter to improve metabolic rate. Eat small meals frequently during your daily routine. Missing such meals will slow down metabolism which will result in low fat burning. Eat within an hour after waking up to prevent your body from descending into hunger mode.

Day 5: Drink Water

Iced cold water helps to improve metabolism. Drinking iced cold water after waking up in the morning will drive your body to utilize calories to increase the temperature of water to the body temperature. You can also burn extra calories by drinking green tea, coffee or simple water. Mixing the ice can surely increase the metabolic rate.  

Day 6: Take important Mineral

When the body is full, it reacts due the initiation of leptin that you can’t eat more food. The presence of essential minerals like zinc aids to achieve this but minimizing hunger while enhancing leptin levels.

Day 7: Short workout sessions are effective

Short burst workout sessions are very effective to burn the body fat. By targeting muscles through short workouts, you can trigger the caloric burning process in very short time period. Taking legal cutting steroids are also very effective way to get rid of body fat and get a lean muscular body.

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