Thursday, 26 November 2015

Benefits of Low Fat Diets

Weight loss is one of the common questions that we see on internet and Television shows. Folks looking to gain lean muscle mass can use safe Crazy Mass Reviews which has proved its effectiveness. People frequently search for low fat diets in order to gain quick results. You can comfortably lose fat by reducing the daily fat intake in your diet. Beside fat loss there are countless health benefits of low fat diet. We will discuss some of them in this short article.

Before starting the topic it is important to know about various types of fat we use in our routine diet. Human body needs fat to continue its proper functioning. Goods fats or unsaturated fats are available in the plant oil. Olive, corn, vegetable and coconut oils are few popular examples of such oil. Saturated fat is another type of fats that we use and cause fat gain. You need to limit the intake of saturated fat for weight loss. These types of fats are normally found in meat, dairy and animal products. Cheese, hamburgers, bacon and ice cream are few foods that are rich in saturated fats. Saturated fats are very difficult for human body to break down. Such type of fat remains in your body and can cause serious damage to your arteries. They also raise the level of cholesterol which leads to blood pressure and other serious diseases. Trans fat is the last type of fat in the list. Such type of fat is found in cakes, potato chips and cookies. Trans fat don’t have any health benefit, so it is better to avoid them.

Low fat diets effectively reduce the risk of serious health problems. Some of the long term and best health benefits of low fat diet are below.

1.    Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol leans to cardiovascular problem like vascular diseases, stroke and coronary diseases. High cholesterol builds up plaque in arteries thus restricting the blood flow into your heart by narrowing the passage. You can lower the cholesterol level by minimizing the fat intake and can keep your heart safe and healthy.

2.    Reduces Heart Problems

Low cholesterol prevents heart from heart attacks, stroke and vascular diseases and also contributes to overall health. Best diet, regular lifestyle and health lifestyle can help you to reduce health problems.

Overweight people are more exposed to diabetes. You can reduce weight with low fat diet and thus prevent yourself from such diseases. Diet with high fat leads you to sluggishness and tiredness. A healthy diet plan can give you health life with improved energy and stamina. A research has proved that low fat in the body contributes to better sleep and also prevents from snoring and sleep apnea. In short, we can say that low fat diet is the key to healthy lifestyle and avoid innumerous health problems.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

The Protein Guide

Protein is the most important nutrient that our body needs for various physical activities. People that are looking to build muscle can use cutting stack to get shredded and lean muscular body. Proteins are molecules found in every cell of our body. These molecules are made of amino acids that regulate tissues and organs of the body. They help to maintain tissues by building new cells in the body. It is also known as building block of the body especially muscles, skin, hair etc.

Protein found in our bones is essential for us to run, walk and other physical activities. Such type of protein is structural, fibrous and is found in entire cells of the body. Another vital protein is found in our connective tissues of bones, ligaments and skin. Some of the best sources of protein for muscle building are:

1.    Dairy such as milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.
2.    Poultry breast like duck, turkey and chicken.
3.    Fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, swordfish, trout and bass.
4.    Whey like supplement protein.
5.    One or two eggs per day are very good for muscle growth.
6.    Red Meat like lamb, bison and venison.

Protein plays significant role in our fluids such as blood and saliva. Our pH level naturally changes from simultaneously as we do different things that changes or body fluid level. Low pH level is always very dangerous and can cause various health problems. But protein helps to raise pH level by picking up hydrogen ions and releasing them into our body.  When we get sick, antibodies help our body to fight against infections, bacteria and viruses. These antibodies are composed of a protein that helps to stop harmful bacteria before they can reproduce and spread in the body. Such type of protein is very important to keep our body healthy and active. Protein is also an excellent source of losing weight because our body burn calories to digest it. It also helps you stomach to fill faster and for long time as compared to other foods. Thus makes it perfect on low caloric deficit diet.

Protein is mostly associated with bodybuilders because it is prime muscle building source. Fitness experts recommend 1g per pound of person’s weight to gain muscle in a best way. However it is better to consult your physician or trainer because the amount of protein varies from age to age. Eggs, fish, lean meat, cheese, fruits, vegetables and many other are rich and cheap protein sources. However if you want boost up protein synthesis in your body then you can use natural supplements. Most bodybuilders use steroids which instead of delivering benefits cause some serious health problems. Natural supplements are safe and free from side effects. Hard gainers use cutting stack in their cutting cycle to remove unwanted fat and get shredded quickly.